Slow Down to Speed Up

Late spring woods

In Canada, the Victoria Day long weekend is the real beginning of summer (it ends on Labour Day). It’s often a great opportunity to get outside, enjoy the sunshine and the plants, and feel yourself unwind. What’s got you wound up? It could be that restless feeling that you have lots of ground to cover […]

Why it’s so hard to improve your soft skills

Have you ever wondered how some skills got labelled soft while others are called hard? It has nothing to do with the level of difficulty in mastering them. Apparently the American military wanted to distinguish between skills that involved using a machine (hard like the equipment) and skills that involved having an impact on squishy […]

New workshop series on what stress is trying to teach you

There’s a popular idea that people are broken. The argument says that our natural processes evolved for a different world. Our feelings don’t serve us well in the world where we live. But. . . science says our brains are much more complex processors than our minds can understand. So maybe our feelings and instincts […]

What’s better: confidence or competence?

Would you rather be confident or competent? It’s not an easy question. You probably have worked for someone who is confident, but not competent. If that doesn’t seem true to you, take 20 minutes to watch this TED talk. On the one hand, the speaker encourages us all to be more competent leaders. On the […]

What’s different at NLP Canada Training?

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably looked at other websites for NLP training companies. And you’re wondering how to compare them. Maybe you have been referred here, and you want to find out if this is for you. Or maybe you were referred somewhere else, but it just didn’t feel right. We are different from […]

Make a Difference to Give Yourself a Boost

You might need a break. But what’s the best way to recharge when you are tired or stressed, or worried? You’ll see a lot of posts about self-care on the internet. But you might find it’s not enough for you. We all tend to overestimate what we can do on our own. We are social […]

Navigating Conflict Between Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023. Whatever is going on in your life, today is the start of something. It’s just a page in the calendar, but it’s also the beginning of a season for the kind of hard work that makes change happen. You’ll have two kinds of goals right from the start of […]

3 Cures for Overwhelm: Altruism, Gratitude & Agency

Are you feeling a little scrambled and maybe more than a little tired? It’s been a strange fall and many people are feeling like they just can’t deal with one more thing. They made it through COVID and now there’s inflation and strikes and viruses everywhere. You can watch a Raptors game or got to […]

3 Powerful Questions: What if? What else? What next?

It seems like an easy manipulation of language. You say, “what if. . .” Like magic, you discount the way things are and explore the way they could be. There’s a but, of course. When you are confronted by something you have accepted so long that it feels inevitable, it’s hard to imagine difference. There […]

Practice Makes Ready

When you practice with us, we encourage you to set positively framed goals because those goals become good friends. They bring out the best in you as soon as you commit to them and throughout your journey to achieve them. But the positive goals of NLP training can be hard to grasp until you do […]