Free NLP Workshops

Free NLP Workshops

Live, Interactive Learning

Are you curious? Would you like to experience our NLP training before you buy it? Do you need a quick shift in perspective or just one technique to make a difference? We understand.

We offer free workshops on Zoom twice a month. These are workshops: you get a hands-on experience where you learn and apply NLP to improve one aspect of self-awareness or communication. You learn by doing, and there’s no sales pitch to avoid. These workshops include many of our graduates who enjoy returning to practice their skills and make shifts in their own perspective or behaviour.

In 2022/23, we are offering programs on different aspects of personal growth, communication, coaching and introductions to how NLP works. Click on a link in the schedule to register. All times listed are Eastern. Please adjust for your time zone.

Upcoming Workshops

All evening programs begin at 7:30pm Eastern. Please adjust for your own time zone. All programs require registration. Click on a link to register and watch your email for program handouts.

Our programs are live and interactive. We never record a workshop. Plan to attend with your camera and microphone on.

Excellence is a Team Sport

All free NLP workshops are live and interactive. We never record! Come ready to meet new people and practice NLP. You’ve probably heard that it takes 10,000 hours to become excellent at a skill. What gets left out is that there will be other people in your life while you put in those 10,000 hours and the way you connect to them changes your path to personal excellence.
25 June 2024
7:30 pm

Build Connection with NLP

Turn on your camera and microphone and learn by doing exercises in breakout rooms. You’ll pick up fresh ideas and new ways to approach conversations, and you’ll meet some great people.
9 July 2024
7:30pm - 9:00pm EDT

Be More Confident

In this workshop, we will use NLP to explore some building blocks for confidence and how to use them to build for confidence in the future.
23 July 2024
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Eastern

Bring Out the Best

It’s hard to be at your best until you recognize the choices and conditions that bring out the best in you. In this workshop, you’ll go through a series of NLP exercises designed to show you some of the conditions that set up your best experiences, inside and out.
6 August 2024
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Eastern

Play to Win

How can making light of something help you get the result you want, even in a difficult situation? Paula Alphonse and Philip Clarke will guide you through NLP techniques that prepare you to play when you need to win.
20 August 2024
7:30pm - 9:00pm Eastern

Mindsets, States, and Feelings

In NLP, we say that results depend on behaviours and behaviours depend on state. You have head of ‘state of mind’ but you might not have thought about what that is or how to manage it so that you feel better and do better. Tonight we’ll explore mindset, feelings and physiology which are the three components that make up your state and show you how to put yourself in a state that supports what you want to do.
10 September 2024
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Great Goals

NLP teaches you to notice, recognize, and mentally rehearse the signals that help you set goals and reach them. Why do goals matter? It’s not because they are the only path to achievement. It’s because having goals helps you scan the world for opportunities. This replaces some of your natural default, which is to scan for threats. Good goals support optimism as you pursue them and after you achieve them.
24 September 2024
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Eastern

New Book!

Shifts: A Tool Kit For A Better You

The information and techniques in Shifts: A Toolkit for a Better You provide tools for building self-awareness and changing existing patterns so you can choose, act, and communicate with greater confidence and satisfaction.