We make change happen here

5 September 2024

By Linda Ferguson

At NLP Canada Training, we believe that we can only lead change by practicing it. This year, we are changing the format and requirements for our Master Practitioner Training. We’ve introduced new material and formats to the Trainers’ Training. We’re also looking forward to launching nlpcanadacoaching.ca in the new year, a website that will provide resources for people who want to understand coaching before they commit to it. That website will include a limited-run podcast featuring coaches who have trained at NLP Canada Training.

We believe in our work and our people, and we are happy to showcase all of it. This summer, we published two new e-books in short, useful formats that you can read 5 minutes at a time. The first is called 5 Tools for a Better You and it explains how thinking of emotion and attention as tools allows you to make better choices. The second is called 5 Ideas for Better Communications. Taking just 5 minutes a day to read one idea that you can apply immediately will change the way you connect with others.

Our ebooks go first to our newsletter subscribers. They will be available this fall on our website.

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