Make a Difference to Give Yourself a Boost

21 February 2023

By Linda Ferguson

You might need a break. But what’s the best way to recharge when you are tired or stressed, or worried? You’ll see a lot of posts about self-care on the internet. But you might find it’s not enough for you. We all tend to overestimate what we can do on our own. We are social creatures, and we need input and energy from our connections to be at our best.

One of the ways to get more energy from your social connections is to pay attention to how you can make a difference for someone else. I know it seems counter-intuitive to take on something extra when you’re tired or busy. But you’ll find that you get a double boost from small actions that make a difference to someone else. On the one hand, you’ll be able to see the results of your action, which is satisfying. On the other hand, you’ll be acting to strengthen a relationship, and that will feel good.

The best self-care might actually just be care: care in noticing where a small change would make a difference and care about the relationships that keep us feeling safe and well.

When you really need a boost, give a boost,

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