3 Drivers of Growth: Purpose, Process & Perspective

29 September 2023

By Linda Ferguson

Maybe you’re curious about how to connect what you read in short posts to an 8 day course online. You might have read big claims for NLP, or heard from friends that it changed their lives. How?

It takes three things to take action that leads to predictable, positive results in your life and work:

  1. A clearly shaped purpose that you can explain, at least to yourself
  2. Processes that give you the specific actions to take to make change happen
  3. Perspectives that allow you to fit the processes to the purpose when they are most appropriate.

The techniques and tools of NLP are processes for making change. But the real effect of these processes is only possible when you use them for a clearly shaped purpose so that you can observe tangible results. And you can only predict results when you deliberately adopt different perspectives to mentally model what is happening and what might happen next.

In an evening workshop, I can share a little perspective and a process that connects the perspective to something in your experience. Over time, you build some ability with processes like calibration or anchoring, and some ability to visit different perspectives by asking questions. But it’s unlikely you’ll be able to shape a stronger purpose and hold to it as your life and work unfold.

That takes practice and practice takes time and feedback. Both are available in the practitioner training (we’ll even encourage you to practice more after you’re certified).

If you’re interested in making changes in your life and capabilities, please explore the NLP Practitioner certification at NLP CanadaTraining. We’ll offer the purpose, processes and perspective that will nurture your growth.

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